Missing teeth are often a source of uncomfortable smiles for our patients. Even just one missing tooth can be a cause of pain and concern, affecting self-confidence, adversely changing your appearance or altering eating habits which could effect your overall health. Dr. Donna Miller, Dr. Austin Green and Dr. Michelle Hinds restore dental implants, a modern tooth replacement solution that can return confidence and functionality to your smile.
Dental bridges sit on top of the gums and use dental crowns attached to teeth surrounding the site of the missing tooth to bridge the gap between them. Without bone stimulation, the bone and gum tissues recede, affecting the way the bridge fits in the mouth. It could become uncomfortable, and the integrity of the crowns may become compromised. As an alternative, more patients are choosing enduring, reliable tooth replacement with dental implants.
Modern technology now allows doctors to replace missing teeth with dental implants, a natural-looking resolution incorporating a titanium post which fuses with the jaw bone beneath the gum line. As you bite, chew and speak, the implant provides stimulation to maintain a healthy level of bone density. Promoting healthy bone benefits the patient by maintaining good oral health and overall health. Without stimulation the bone recedes, which can result in a sunken look at the site of the missing tooth and puts surrounding teeth at risk of shifting or falling out.
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